Saturday, December 24, 2011

Culturally Ambiguous Holiday YAY

Annnnnnd I'm back.  I apologize for the hiatus... Finals fried my brainz. I'm returning just in time to tell you what to wear, and what not to wear, to whatever your holiday celebration may be.

For the ladies... Unless you're going to some super dressy function, a pair of nice, dark wash jeans are perfectly acceptable to wear.  On top, do a pretty blouse (keep it flowy... don't forget about the food babies, people). Think about adding a nice pair of riding boots or booties to dress your outfit up. Top it all off with a statement piece of jewelry! If you want to wear a skirt, make sure it's not the same one you wore to the club last night, and make sure you put on tights. NAYS: ugly christmas sweaters, ripped jeans, sweaters as dresses...

For the dudes... You also may wear nice, dark, BOOT CUT, jeans.  But, if you don't have them, stick to khakis. I like a crisp gingham button down on top (if you don't know what that is, stay tuned), or a soft v-neck sweater.  Leave your grody Ts and dirty jeans on your bedroom floor. Boat shoes are a lil' summery to be wearing at the end of December, so instead try a pair of boots. The girls will appreciate your fashion forwardness, I promise.

What a stylish couple my look book makes...
cuff: dannijo via shopbop, blouse: madewell, jeans: jbrand via bloomies,  booties: sam edelman via piperlime,
button down: jcrew, jeans: lucky brand, boots: urban outfitters

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